Friday 18 June 2010

Less than a month to go

So I have just realised that there is now less than a month to go until the start of my ride, but at present I have neither a working bike (it's still being fixed) nor a working Yvonne (an old knee injury has flared up from doing too much training on a spin bike at the gym). Hopefully both of these issues will soon be resolved (fingers, toes, and anything else is crossed if it will help with bringing that about).

My other big issue at present is how to get the bike and me over to Sligo to start our ride on the 17th July. The lovely people at Sense Northern Ireland are having a look to see if there is anyone they know in Dublin who could help me out with the logistics, but there is a definite glitch in terms of getting me and the bike together and then getting us to Connolly train station in time to catch an appropriate train. I had hoped to cycle from Sligo to Omagh on the 17th, but 70ish miles if I would only get to Sligo at 2pm seems a bit excessive for my first day. There is also the problem that bike spaces on the train go on a 'first come first served' basis, so even if I can get lightning and me to the station in time for the 11:05 train there is no guarantee we will be able to get on it. There are all kinds of options (such as altering my itinerary so I only need to get to Sligo on the 17th and then spread out the route to Larne over the next days), contacting the people at Connolly train station to ask if there is anyway I can reserve a space for my bike, cycling from Dublin to Sligo (hum, I think that one is a bit of a non-starter), shipping the bike direct to Sligo and putting it back together from the box myself etc etc. I will find a way, but could do with a bit of the 'luck of the Irish' to ensure I don't start off the trip with a mad dash across Dublin, pleading with train staff at Connolly station, then a longish cycle as the light grows dim on the first day.

I am hoping I can get my bike back today as there is the Ride for a Reason 64 mile cycle out of St Albans this weekend - I have done it a couple of times and it is a really nice event, well organised with a good atmosphere amongst the cyclists. If not it will be back to the gym again.

Quick update - LIGHTNING LIVES!!! I have just had word that Lightning has been repaired and is ready for collection. So all I need to do now is work on a bionic knee for me and all the boxes are ticked...

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