Monday 14 June 2010

Lightning on the sick list

So my noble steed Lightning is currently not feeling well. I took her in for a service last week, and you know it's not going to turn out well when the mechanics phone up to ask whether, by chance, you happen to have the piece that is missing off your bike which stops it falling apart. It is something to do with the pedal system (I think) and without it the bike is not safe to ride (goodness only knows how long I have been cycling without it...). It appears that this isn't a part that is as easy to come by as a blueberry muffin (and wouldn't life be good if any mechanical problem could be fixed by the application of an antioxidant rich cake treat). I have put in an order for what the mechanic thinks may be the right piece, but he wasn't entirely sure.

I have now resigned myself to doing training via the medium of spin classes at the gym for at least another week but probably longer. At least that avoids the problem of potholes.

I had another look at my route yesterday, largely as I have allocated rather a lot of days of 100plus miles up in Scotland. I had a spare day (as well as my 'rest days') so am trying to find a way of reducing the mileage up in Scotland on the days when I have been a bit on the ambitious side. It's coming together but still feels like there is an awful lot to do.

I also went on the hunt for a GPS system (or equivalent of a satnav for the bike). I think we narrowed down the options to one system, largely based on the fact that it was the only one that may have sufficient battery life to be able to last out on the longer days I am planning - there is the option of having a solar powered recharger, but given that weight is going to be at a premium I am not sure that I can be as 'green' as I would like to be. It would be great if someone could invent a way of running all kinds of electronic gizmos for the bike off the equivalent of a dynamo/pedal power. Hey, maybe I should develop something, patent it and then become a millionaire. Although given that my answer to a missing crank bolt was a blueberry muffin it may push the boundaries of my technical abilities to come up with a human energy conversion device.

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