Friday 25 June 2010

Bike is good to go, knee in one piece, team spirit a bit wobblesome

Lightning is fixed, the knee seems to be holding out, all I need now is get myself into the right frame of mind. This trip is going to be as much of a mental challenge as a physical one, especially the long days where it will be just me and the bike.

Feeling a bit stretched in terms of all the things I still need to do before I set off. Have never liked to ask for help from anyone, and have recently realised I don't seem to be very good at asking for help in a way that ensures that I get it when I need it. Something to muse on whilst clocking up the miles on the long days I suppose.

I have also been reflecting on the Sense annual lecture topic last year of 'what makes us happy'. I will have plenty of time on the ride to consider this very theme - haven't been doing a good a job of finding it at all recently so maybe having some time to reflect on what really does matter to me and how best to find happiness is a good thing.

If the experience of the Land's End to John O'Groats cycle is anything to go by, the immediate elements to happiness whilst cycling are clement weather (but you have to roll with whatever comes your way on a ride), no major mechanical issues (but you have to just fix what you can and find an expert to help fix what you can't), no injuries or health issues (hopefully have fitted in enough rest days and am training pre-ride so I stand a good chance during the event), good food/drink (and everything tastes better after you have been riding in the glorious UK outdoors) and sleep. If all else fails then chocolate is a good standby option. However, I think this ride will at least give me the time to reflect on what makes me happy during my usual daily routine and I hope to be able to come back to my everyday life with some kind of plan for getting the most out of it. Or an even bigger addiction to all forms of chocolate than at present (wait a minute, not sure that is possible, but willing to give it a try....)

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