Friday 2 July 2010

It's July already

Can I have words with whoever has set time on fast forward? All of a sudden we are in July...I am sure it was only May on Monday, June must have zapped through on Tuesday and Wednesday and July has romped through like a puppy on prozac.

Still loads to do - how to get me and the bike to the start, booking accommodation for at least the first few days but also the more remote areas in Scotland, GPS equipment, travel insurance for Ireland, getting a new phone and figuring it out, ought to fit in more training too.

Will get there, but it's going to be a bit of a mad scramble. Could have done with a wind down week before heading off to Ireland (I believe they talk about ramping down the training before a big event) but work is going to be a tad busy in the run up to my departure and there is still so much to do so I won't be idle even if I am not doing much cycle training. Perhaps I should get myself a PA?

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