Sunday 1 August 2010

Day 15 Prudhoe to York

Woke up feeling a bit sore: had a brilliant breakfast (just the way to start the day) and it started to rain as I loaded up the bike. I have to say the Wooldridges were fabulous hosts - so welcoming and helped me with the route planning for the long old trip on towards York.

Now the first 10 miles were another big test for me today - the ankle took quite some warming up today so I had to walk quite a few of the hills, of which there were a few. The hill out of Ebchester was soul wrenching and every muscle started crying out at this point. At this point I was thinking to myself that I might have to consider some kind of plan B as I didn't think I could make a full 90 miles. I didn't realise that I had hit the midmorning low point - I had some sugar at Leadgate and that at least gave me another 10 miles. Stopped again at the junction with the A167 and was feeling pretty much all in at this point. Only made it another 5 miles or so and had to keep stopping to walk hills as the ankle just couldn't take the strain on the bike. I pulled into a petrol garage and picked up a chocolate bar and a sugar ladden fizzy drink - never usually like those in combination but they must have been needed as the dark cloud seemed to lift about 2 minutes after I finished them. The road seemed to get smoother (probably didn't but it felt like it) and the hills less steep. Amazing what a bit of sugar can do. Onwards towards Darlington. At some point I got a text from my friend Dr Anna to say that she had arranged for me to stay at a B&B in a village called Crayke about 10 miles North of York - hurrah, somewhere to stay and a good friend to catch up with. This helped fuel me along.

I had to cycle around Darlington - I am sure it is a nice town but I was cursing the founding fathers, the town planners and the Saturday drivers as I made my way around the town. I would rather take hours of hill climbs on the open road than 10 minutes city navigating. Eventually out of the town and onto the A167 towards Northallerton. Crossed the river Tees and then stopped for the tuna mayo roll that Mrs Wooldridge had kindly made for me in the morning. Plus some chocolate, obvioulsy.

On into Thirsk for a tea and cake break in a rather nice tea shop. Always feel a bit bad when I turn up with Bridget Jones hair and smelling to high heaven (I didn't dare take off the dayglow today as so many drivers were intent on training for the Le Mans race that they weren't going to see me otherwise, but that meant I was rather sweaty).

Onwards out of Thirsk and eventually saw the sign to Easingwold. Feeling very tired and sore but pushed on to the village of Crayke - got directions to the Hermitage from the local pub and as I came over the crest of the hill I could see Anna jumping up and down to get my attention. Sat outside admiring the view with a cup of tea and slice of cake. After a much needed bath we headed into York to go to the birthday bash of Nobby (they did tell me his real name but when I am tired names are the first thing to go). Needed some food and it took a while for the sugar to kick in - a little bit nodding dog until that started to work. It was a good night, even if the ankle wouldn't hold me up for too long. Bed around half one...

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