Wednesday 11 August 2010

Day 24 Abergavenny to Churchill

Was intended to head to Bristol today via the Sense office at Merthyr Tydfil, but woke up with a sore ankle and not sure whether the Merthyr office would be open so decided to take a short cut (Vonnie - you cheat), go to Bristol direct and then push on as far as I could today as I knew I would be meeting up with some of the cyclists from my home village the next day and wanted to be in some kind of shape to meet up with them.

Onwards out of Abergavenny towards Usk. Lovely quiet road, beautiful views, not bad weather to start with. Through Usk and on to Chepstow. There were a couple of tester hills but I was generally coasting along nicely. Chepstow was a really interesting place to cycle through. If I didn't have Lightning with me I would have liked to have spent more time wandering around Chepstow. As it was I stopped at the tourist info office to check that I could go over the Severn Road Bridge (there are pedestrian/cycle lanes), and then found a pub called the Bridge for, you guessed it, lasagne.

Just about starting to rain as I set off. Then it got heavier and colder. By the time I got to the bridge it was lashing it down and quite misty with it. Looking out for 'you are leaving Wales' signs but nothing to be seen. Couldn't even see the oOther Severn bridge it was so misty. Not the best of signs for the rest of the day. Got over the bridge, saw a sign saying 'Welcome to England', then headed out to the A403 towards Avonmouth.

Now it is very easy to be seduced by the lure of an off road cycle path. There were a number that started up near the A403, but none of then said where they were going. I followed one for a while until it dumped me unceremoniously on an industrial estate in the scrag end of nowhere. Hum. Back onto the main road just so I would know where I was. Rain was coming down persistantly now - welcome to the West Country, m'dear.

At this point Lightning asked if we were going over the Clifton suspension bridge as she had heard that would be rather nice. I couldn't say no to Lightning so pushed her all the way up a steep hill into Clifton and then walked across the bridge as it was a bit to slippery to ride. Onwards towards Failand at which point the heavens opened again. Had to go down a rather steep and slippery hill - own the lane, Miss Thomas, own the lane. Could hear cars gunning their engines behind me but as a) it was slippery on that road b) there were suprise potholes on the near side which would put a dent in my day as well as the front bumper of the car that ran over me and c) my brakes were getting a bit sluggish in the wet so I was having to hang on for dear life, I decided to take it slowly and in the middle of the lane. Lightning suggested that she could be converted like the Aston Martin in Goldfinger so she could spray the road behind with oil or sharp tacks. So long as she doesn't start considering the ejector seat option I stand half a chance.

On to Flax Bourton and the A370. Oh my but the traffic was all in a bad mood on that road. Didn't help that the heavens decided they should deposit more rain on my head. Decided to take shelter in the pub at Backwell which turned out be lovely - had a really good bowl of soup followed by a delicious chocolate gateau which seemed to take the sting out of the soaking I had received earlier. Rain eased off so I pushed on towards Congresbury. Hum, rain started again and boy was it heavy. On the B3133 I had a bit of a close encounter with a Ginster's Cornish pasty lorry. Now I like a pasty as much as the next person (even if he is a pasty-fiend) but I am not so keen on the lorries when I am on my bike!

Traffic on the A38 was almost at a standstill and given the heavy rain, Ginsters-incident and general bleurghhness of the day I decided to call it a day and look for somewhere to stay. In the village of Churchill (ohhhh yes) I found the Mendip Gate Guest House and you know you are on to a winner when the owner offers to make you a cup of tea on arrival. Hot shower restored spirits, phone call home to check on logistics for the next day and before I knew it I was asleep (helped in no small part by the super comfy bed with one of those foam mattress top thingies - oh but that was comfy to a tired sore cyclist).

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