Wednesday 11 August 2010

Day 26 Rest day in Sampford Peverell

Oh what a glorious place to be. Listening to the chimes of the church clock, watching the ponies grazing in the filed in front of the house, eating my Mum's chocolate sponge, drinking tea.

Rest day today - after a good breakfast I retired with a good book for what I knew would turn into a long nap in the morning. I could get used to naps and siestas.

After a full roast beef and Yorkshire pudding lunch with all the trimmings, it was off to the lovely Fern's house for another massage (oh yes, bring it on) as well as a pedicure. My sister had very kindly arranged all of this by way of a birthday treat for me and it was fantastic. Whilst she babysat the two boys, Fern eased my tired muscles and made my feet look less like they had cycled almost 2,000 miles. Oh oh oh but that was a real treat and no mistake.

Back via the heady cosmopolitan whirl that is Wellington to tea and more chocolate sponge (well it would be rude not to).

Caught up on the blogging - should be up to date now. Hopefully I will be able to update a few times on the way down but not long to go now. I am due to finish at Land's End at around midday on Saturday (HURRAAHHHHHHH!!!) and am starting to look forward to the finish. Had been musing on the issue of change whilst cycling: I had been a bit worried in the early days as to how I would adjust to life when I got back from the cycle as life had not been too happy before I set out on my ride and the transition from being on the road and pretty much constantly occupied by a single task (i.e. cycling a silly long distance) to 'everyday life' will be a big one. Life is all about change as nothing ever stays quite the same. I am trying to get my thoughts into a place where I see this as the chance to grab my life by the scruff of the neck and ensure I do what is best for Von for a change. You only get one life and if you don't seize the chance to make yourself happy then no-one else will do it for you.

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