Monday 9 August 2010

Day 21 Huntingdon to Hemel Hempstead

Huntingdon to Hemel Hempstead - cheeky sneaky quick day today. Well as sneaky as 50ish mes can be. Breakfast with Will, Becky and Issy. Such a lovely family - happiness just radiates off of them.

Load up the bikes then on the road again. Had been given a sneaky tip about how best to use the off road links and were soon pootling along nicely to the Offords and on to St Neots. A bit of head scratching around Hatch as to which road we wanted but on again nicely. Stopped in Shefford for hot chocolate, cake and wasp swatting. Onwards to Hexton - was a rather long hill which I decided to walk as ankle jittery today.

Started to recognise places I have cycled through. Rocked up in Peters Green for lunch at the Bright Star. Oh butt
that was much needed and very good. It had been raining a bit but I had put on my magic anti rain hat (I bought it d
for a bargain £1.50 so i could keep heavy rain out of my eyes whilst cycling but every time I put it on it seems to ease off soon after).

Onwards to Hemel via Harpenden. Onto some of my training roads now so familiar territory. Road into Hemel has a shocking road surface and the traffic had to be there yesterday so a bit of a White knuckle ride in. Well at least my days ride was nearly done - Helen had to go home first which must have been another 15-20 miles. Bid a fond farewell to Jet, the other noble steed and it was off to casa Yeomans. Just starting to rain as I pulled up and Anna Sophia let me in for tea and a chat. Not long before a rattle at the door and wee Scots Matt (ah the nights are
drawing in) and Sarah Marshall arrived. Howcould I have forgotten how much fun Sarah is - anyone who insists on Elvis burgers is always a good'un. Joined by the ever lovely Daxa who then nipped off to pick up Sarah and Daniel. A bit of quick blogging then Helen G arrived with tales of rain and rubbish roads on her cycle home.

Dinner was lovely, as was Matts Pimms mix. All followed by a fabulous pudding - oh but Sarah M is a bit of a treasure in the kitchen. Finished the night with a restorative shoulder massage from Daxa. Probably felt like she was massaging a lump of very knotted wood.

Reminded today that am lucky to have such grand people as friends.

Bed. Heard it hoon it down with rain during the night - that means very heavy rain if u were wondering - but better in the night than during the day.


  1. Great going Yvonne, the end is in sight - and a well-earned rest! When will you be in Exeter? I'm heading down that way...

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