Friday 6 August 2010

Day 17 York to Lincoln via Rotherham

Finally, Vonnie gets to update you on the latest - has been a while since I last had internet access.

Left Crayke at about half 7 after tea and breakfast. Anna and Rob were brilliant hosts. I have to say that a hot tub is a fantastic way to ease those aching muscles, and a very very long nap of a Sunday afternoon is a much needed way to spend a rest day.

Whizzed down to York on a nice road. Then managed to work my way through York, but missed the turning I wanted as the road was closed. Hum. Cycled around until I could find an alternative route. Mild swearing ensued.

Eventually hit the right road and headed out via Cawood and Sherburn in Elmet and eventually Castleford. Got into Pontefract (where the cakes come from). On to South Elmsall and then some small roads eventally to Mexborough. Got a tad lost at this point (well, was actually on the right road but just didn't know it) but then picked up the right route towards Rotherham.

I called the guys at Melton House in Rotherham for directions, and then wandered through the one way system pushing lightning. Just as I was thinking I was going up an awfully steep hill for no apparent reason, I saw some people in bright orange t-shirts and my Sense logo sensors went into overload. Now I couldn't arrive by walking the last bit so I managed a wobbly hill start and then cruised in to the turning to Melton House.

Now what can I say about the welcome. Unexpected, brilliant, heart-warming are all words that spring to mind. There are some photos on the blog, and I was really touched by both the staff who had stayed on to greet me and the good luck posters made by the service users. If ever you are feeling in need of an energy boost go to Melton House!

Met one of the service users who had been holding out for me to arrive so he could say hello (you will notice that names are the first thing that my tired brain forgets will always be names, both people and of places) which was just lovely. Then into the centre for a toasted banana sandwich (yeah baby, that hit the spot). Had a fantastic guided tour of the centre - amazing how much multitasking with space can be done if need be. The centre has been almost a victim of its own success in that the number of service users has increased to the point whereby they struggle to have enough space to accommodate everyone and run all the activities they would like to. I sat down on the bed through which music is played in such a way that you feel vibrations (I didn't dare lie down as it was so relaxing I thought I would fall asleep and there were many miles to go). I had never realised the potential of music therapy to connect with deafblind people (particularly deaf people) but to actually feel the music as well as hear it was a real buzz for me. I often listen to music when training, especially anything that has a strong beat that matches my running/cycling stride to help push me along and I guess I have 'felt' the music without realising it before.

Saw the brilliant beginnings of a Tutenkarmun model - there is some amazing art work going on at Melton House. However, as ever with the Sense places I have visited it was the people that really left the biggest impression. Innovative, engaged and dedicated - Sense is lucky to have such an amazing bunch of people. Again, the names have now fused in my brain along with the variety of places I have been through, otherwise I would love to name-check the people I met in Rotherham.

Was sorry to get back on the road but needed to keep going as a long way still to go. Headed out towards Maltby and then onto a quiter road towards Retford. Got a phone call to say that the place I had planned to stay in Lincoln was now no longer an option. Decided to keep bowling on and wait to get the info on the alternative night's stopover. Now I have discovered that when tired the worst thing I can hear is that the carefully planned itinerary has to be changed. Cycled on for miles, rain set in with dark clouds which made it pretty dark. Stopped for some dinner as there were still a good 30 miles to go to Lincoln. Got another call from the person who had originally set up the accommodation for me in Lincoln, and got a bit annoyed at this point. May have actually burst into tears after this call. Right Thomas, no time for crying. Can't cry on the bike so just get back on and I'll show the person who told me 'Rotherham to York would be too far for you to go in a day' - if ever you want me to cycle a long way just hint that I can't do it. So it's getting dark now but darn it, I will get to Lincoln. Over the toll bridge by Dunham, keep going, keep going, push stride push stride push stride. Ankle screaming, shoulders grinding now but I will make it. Watched the last remains of the sunset behind a powerstation. Keep going, gonna make it. Ow good god but ankle sore now. Not to mention the behind. I said don't mention the behind. Signs for Lincoln. Yayhay!!!

Then decided that my best bet for finding somewhere to stay would be to follow the sign for the 'historic/cathedral quarter' - didn't realise that would take me along the ringroad where the lorries like to pass by very close and it was completely dark by now. Eventually saw a turning for the city. Telling myself that I will stop at the first place I come across that is a hotel/B&B/park bench. Of course there were another 3 miles or so to go. Eventually got off the bike and asked the first ladies I saw if they could recommend which direction would be the best for me to head to. Now this is where I must introduce you to two guardian angels (Sally and Glynnis - apologies for mispelling your name, I should have asked at the time). These ladies were kindness itself: Glynnis phoned up a hotel she knew (The Tower) just around the corner and then even bartered the price for me, and then my angels guided me all the way. They were telling me that they had already helped out a young lady they happened to come across on the street who was somewhat the worse for drink by putting her in a cab and giving the driver the fare to get her home. If two ladies deserve their halos it is these two.

Got to my room at 10:00 - too tired to go out for dinner at this point (it was a 117.12 mile day after all). And you thought I couldn't do it...

So, enough about me. How've you been?

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