Wednesday 11 August 2010

Day 22 Hemel Hempstead to Ashton Keynes

Awoke to a fantastic breakfast cooked by the multi-talented Daxa. Another day when it was tempting just to stay and chat but lots of miles to cover today.

Lightning quite excited by riding on the Magic Roundabout today - thankfully not much traffic and we got around alive.

Went to the Great Missenden Roald Dahl museum for my first break-stop. Had a rather fine chocolate gooey cake thing from the Twits cafe. Then onwards to High Wycombe, and then towards Watlington. Had wanted to avoid having to go all around Wallingford but for some reason couldn't find the right turning so had to keep going on the A4074.

Onwards to Wantage and decided to stop in a pub for lunch. No sooner had I taken all the gear off Lightning than the heavens opened and there was a deluge. Good timing on that one - decided to linger over my lunch until the worst of the rain blew over. Eventually pushed on towards Faringdon and made the interesting decision to try and avoid the A417 by going on a series of minor roads. Didn't realise this would involve me climbing up steep narrow roads towards the Whitehorse - was a lovely ride but could have done without the hills really. There was a turning off towards the Whitehorse itself but I could see the time ticking onwards relentlessly and there were still a good few miles to go so I shall have to return that way someday to see the horse.

Nice cruise downhill out of Ashbury towards Shrivenham where I stopped for a quick chocolate break. Into Highworth and on towards Blunsdon St Andrew. Now they have built a new stadium of some description there and as a result have put in a new traffic system - thankfully I just avoided heading off towards Swindon on the A419. Nearly got run off the road by an overzealous taxi driver - you can tell its a close run thing when all the passengers and desperately looking out the back to make sure I wasn't actually run over. I may have questionned his parentage and that of his ancestors.

Onwards towards Cricklade and then saw signs for Ashton Keynes. What a beautiful village - cream coloured old stone buildings, intriguing looking pub (oh but I was tempted) and best of all the wonderful Ms Anna Burton and her family to welcome me at the end of a long day (92.97 miles). Having decided that I want to marry their shower (it's like standing under a waterfall and one of the best ways of removing bike grease from tired legs that I have found to date - much more pleasant than a scrubbing brush...) I had some delicious home-made lasagne followed by a gorgeous strawberry shortcake thing - words fail me to describe how good it was and I may have had rather a generous helping (or two). Great to catch up with Anna as to all the things that had been happening in the office whilst I have been away (Anna is the team Administrator and so efficient I fear I may no longer be required on my return).

Fixed up a place to stay in Abergavenny whilst Anna kindly did some laundry for me. Retired to one of the most comfy beds on the trip (although I would happily sleep on a concrete floor at the end of a long cycling day), musing on how good it is to have a work colleague who is so reliable but who it is also my great fortune to count as a good friend. And she understands the value of good chocolate too so what's not to like...

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