Wednesday 11 August 2010

Day 25 Churchill to Sampford Peverell

Very excited today as I am off to my home village of Sampford Peverell - Mum and Dad moved to the village a couple of years ago now and what a friendly place it has turned out to be.

Had a top breakfast (just sorry I couldn't stay for more toast and to try out the local conserves on offer which looked mighty tempting). Onwards towards Rooks Bridge, Highbridge and a cafe for my first rest stop in Pawlett. Motorcyclists having full cooked breakfasts whereas I went for the low fat option of lemon meringue pie (tee hee but dietary advice has never been my strong suit). Got chatting to one of the motorbikers who responded to my assertion that I would be riding to Land's End by looking at Lightning and asking 'on that?' Oh yea of little knowledge of what Lightning can do.

Onwards through Bridgwater, around Taunton, and time for lunch at the Rumwell Inn. Treated myself to a proper lunchbreak today - food was so good it would have been rude not to! Even made time to read the newspaper - aparently there is a world out there that has been doing stuff whilst I have been on the road. Sent some texts to the cyclist posse from Sampford headed up by the stalwart Roger Greenwood. I knew these brave souls were meeting up at the church in Sampford Peverell to come out along the canal to meet me at the bridge near Holcombe Rogus. I pushed on out of Rumwell at Mach 3 (that's about 17 miles an hour to you) and hurtled along the A38. Sent a text at the bottom of White Ball hill to say I was on my way - had been thinking about that hill but actually the gradient was kinder than I remembered and I was soon powering off the A38 and on towards Holcombe.

Now what can I say about the kindly cyclists of Sampford who came out to me other than a huge THANK YOU!!!! There at the bridge were these wonderful people who had come out in the rain to welcome one of their own and accompany her into the village. Even the local Councillor Mr David Sweatman in full regalia had turned up to welcome me. I was so touched by my welcoming committee that I didn't really have the words to say how delighted I was. After some quick photos we cycled back along the glorious Grand Western Canal. I was lucky enough to see the kingfisher who lives on the bank near Westleigh, his dazzling wings a blur of aquamarine as he skimmed the surface. The swans were out with their fuzzy grey signets (not so sure about swans as a welcoming committee through - I saw one frighten a canoer out of the water near Sampford when he came to close to the nest, and I have heard they can break a man's arm with their wing, and their eyes can turn a man to stone...oh no wait, maybe not that last bit, but they are birds not to be trifled or even meringued with).

We came off the canal at Boehill bridge and headed for the Sampford Peverell village sign for a photo opportunity. Actually the photos came out very well and don't have that 'staged' look, probably as the heavens opened and we were all so busy giggling at the downpour. We decided to take shelter under the trees until the worst of the deluge had subsided before the last quarter of a mile or so to my Mum and Dad's place. My Mum had decided she would put on 'a bit of a spread' of food - if you have ever had the good fortune to come to my Mum's place when she is expecting you then you will know how amazing her cooking is. Sausage rolls, quiche, lamb kebabs, cheesy things, not to mention the Chudley's (bread rolls topped with clotted cream and jam), mini pavlova's, chocolate sponge cake....oh I am drooling on the keyboard just thinking about it! Just the thing to greet my wonderful cycling welcoming committee. You could tell it was good as everything went momentarily quiet as everyone tucked in!!

I have to say a huge THANK YOU to the cyclists of Sampford for giving me such a wonderful welcome. Such an unexpected show of support was just the tonic for a tired cyclist. Huge thanks to Roger Greenwood for helping to organise the posse, as well as David the photographer (sorry, I didn't catch your surname), my sister Helen and my Dad for helping set this up, Councillor Sweatman for bringing the gold insignia out in the rain, and of course to my Mum for providing such wonderful eats. Sampford Peverell cyclists have done me proud!!!

Time for a quick shower before another treat for the day (oh but I have been spoiled) and it was up to Gill Bowers house for a massage. Is there no end to talent in this village. I have to say that if ever you are in need of relaxing, massaging of tired muscles or soothing with amazing essential oils then Gill is your lady. I could have fallen asleep quite easily and you can tell its a good massage when you stand up feeling a good couple of inches taller. Felt like I floated home after that.

Bed after an amazing day - I like Sampford Peverell, I think I might have to spend more time here in the future. Lightning says she likes it here too and wouldn't mind coming back more often. That can be arranged, Lightning....

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