Tuesday 27 July 2010

Day 11 Rest day in Inverness - Sense Service visits

I have been waking up every morning at around 5:30 for the last couple of days. I think the body is just getting used to the idea that it will have to do some long distances so doesn't really like hanging around in a warm bed whilst there are miles to clock up.

Wandered down to the Sense offices on Shore Road to meet up with James Finlayson - now there is a guy with energy and dedication. He very kindly took me out to meet the walkers group, which is kept in very good order by Gavin (one of the Sense service users). Now I am a fan of all things organised, and anyone who can keep as good a list as Gavin gets my vote. We wandered along a trail by the banks of the River Ness towards the head of the Caledonian canal - quite breezy but in an invigorating kind of way. Amazing group of people - so friendly and welcomed me along for the walk. Good on you Gavin for organising such a refreshing walk: if ever I am in Inverness again I will try to time it to conincide with another of the walks. Then on to meet Ian at his house near Tore. I like meeting new people and Ian was really good to chat to - anyone who can do a 20 mile sponsored cycle ride for charity is my kind of person for starters. Hope the car picture collection is coming along well - it's going to take you days to glue all your pictures into your scrapbook! Finally back to the office on Shore Road for an interview with the enterprising Daniel, Sense Inverness' roving reporter. He had a whole series of questions ready to ask me about my cycle ride and I have seen the Highlands Newsletter that he produces so am looking forward to my 'moment in the media spotlight'. Hope the photo of me turns out OK - I should have brought Lightning my bike as she is far more photogenic!! I should have asked for a tutorial on how he puts together the newsletter as I could see some real computer and design skills in action today.

Huge thanks to all the Sense staff, particular James, Wendy Galloway, other people at Shore Road and all the support workers who were so welcoming. James was telling me about the many challenges you have all faced in building up the services in Inverness and I was really impressed by how friendly and caring you were. I got a glimpse of the depth of professionalism amongst the Sense staff in action today but there is so more that I haven't had chance to see. The Inverness service has much to be extremely proud of and I hope it goes on from strength to strength (and with such a good team in place I foresee amazing stories coming out of Inverness).

Planning to take in the sights of Inverness this afternoon and then plan my route on to Pitolochry. It's amazing how fast Scotland is whizzing by.

1 comment:

  1. Hurrah - Andrew has managed to wangle me a service at Condor (there was a cancellation on Thursday) so fingers crossed we should be all fit and ready to go. Have booked accomodation at Downham Market and Lowestoft for Tuesday and Wednesday night. Now just need to work out my journey to Peterborough - what time do you reckon you'll be getting there?
