Tuesday 20 July 2010

Day 3 - Bush Mills to Larne

What a day. Not the best of nights as there was some kind of alarm or something going off in the hostel room through the night so only got a few hours disturbed sleep. Tried to exit the room making as little noise as possible so as not to disturb the others which guaranteed I made loads of noise!!

After a quick breakfast I headed back up to the Giant's Causeway visitor centre. The kindly National Trust staff agreed to look after my panniers whilst I took lightning down for a quick look at the Causeway (she does like to see these things up close) and then slog back up the hill again. Worth it though. Then onwards to Ballycastle. Unfortunately it started to rain hard before I got to the entrance to the famous rope bridge - never good when it is raining so hard it stings your face and bounces back up at you from the road. Visibility pretty poor and quite a strong side wind so took decision to go on inland route as it wasn't the safest of rides. If you end up putting your faith in a bicycle to pick the safest route on her own then its a bit of a poor show (although Lightning brought me through safe again). Tried to put in some mileage on the A road towards Ballymena before taking the B roads towards Clough.

Took the coastal route which involved the nicest downhill cruise - whizzing along at average 25mph but on a lovely road with no real sharp bends and a good surface. Had a large grin on my face when I got to the coast. Can you tell I don't have the map to hand to check out the place names whilst typing up my blog? Will come back to it another time and add the detail.

Cycling along the coastal route to Larne seemed to take a very long time. Eventually rolled into Larne and realised I was so tired as I had done another 70 plus day (70.05 miles to be precise). Found a nice place to stay (Seaview House), had a good dinner and then a fantastic sleep. Looking forward to tomorrow...

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