Monday 5 July 2010

Ireland here we come in less than 2 weeks

Finally I think I have managed to sort one of the biggest logistical issues I had which was how to get the bike and me to Sligo with both of us in working order. I am going to fly in to Dublin on the 16th and then take the train to Sligo on the 17th, before popping around to a bike shop in Sligo which has kindly offered to take receipt of my bike and put it back together for me, ensuring it is roadworthy in the process. I think this must be quite a new bike shop in Sligo as it didn't show up when I was trying to sort out the options last month but it is proving to be a bit of a life-saver.

I have booked my train ticket from Dublin to Sligo so all I need to do now is figure out how to book Lightning in for her trip. Must remember to pack some travel sweeties and a crossword puzzle book in the box with her as I wouldn't want Lightning to get bored on the journey. Wait a minute, something doesn't sound right about packing crosswords with a bike into a box for shipping. Lightning has always been more of a Sudoku fan...

Training has hit a bit of a low point as I seemed to have picked up some kind of stomach bug. I don't recommend the Vonsense crash weightloss plan: don't usually struggle to eat just about anything and the novelty of the experience is not a good one. Decision of whether to pass out or throw up at the gym on Sunday was not one I want to be doing too often. Less than 2 weeks to go and can feel the fitness dropping away a bit - not the best of starts and may have to have more than just a pint of the black stuff in Ireland to keep me going (actually anything more than a couple of sips of alcohol is likely to see me lying face down and vaguely comatose at present - tolerance was never that good but would go straight to my head now). This trip is gonna get interesting...

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