Sunday 18 July 2010

Day 2 - Castlederg to Bushmills

Day 2 in the Big Brother house - oops sorry, wrong blog.

Had a top breakfast cooked by Olga- this woman has got some energy! She even made me bacon sandwiches for the road and extra juice to make some home-made sports drink. Packed and headed out to the bank for a cash top-up. Now here is a story that shows what London can do for you. I think one of the lads from the Derg Arms was chatting to some of the local police. I think as I went past they might have tried to get my attention but I have got so used to keeping going if anyone shouts or whistles etc that I just headed on by. Apologies if you wanted to say hi and I seemed like I was in a hurry. I have been in the big city for too long!

Onwards to Strabane and Derry. Stopped for a bacon sandwich overlooking river Foyle then on to Limavady and on to a place called Downhill. Lovely beach - will try to get one of photos loaded but my ability to work an iPhone hasn't possibly evolved that far yet... There was a bit of a hill coming out of Downhill. Alright it was a belter of a hill but the lowest gear did the job. Work those thighs, Thomas. Onwards to Coleraine. Met up with Leah who also works for Sense and her partner Alistair (hope I have spelt that right). Hey anyone who offers to carry my panniers in a vehicle is a genius to me! We headed down to Portrush and saw the beautiful White cliffs and long sandy beach. Onwards to Bushmills to visit the distillery. We were met by David (so sorry if I got your name wrong - has been long day with lots of miles). No tasters for us as whiskey and bikes don't mix but it smelt amazing. Will have to
go back when I don't need to travel. Final photo call
of the day was overlooking the Giants Causeway. Have seen photos before
but they don't do it justice.

Must say a huge thankyou to Leah's grandparents to treating us to
a brilliant fish supper. What lovely people I
have had the pleasure to meet so far.

Staying at the Bushmills YHA and after a 79 mile day it's time for
a good sleep. Off to Larne tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Sounds grand, keep strong & keep the stories coming. I look forward to seeing photos! Sarah xxx
