Wednesday 7 July 2010

If one more person asks me if I am mad...

The reaction amongst Sense staff who hear what I am planning for the forthcoming month or so wasn't exactly what I thought it would be. Several people have asked me outright whether I am mad. Nothing like a bit of encouragement from your co-workers but maybe they have a point.

1) Yes, I have set up the logistics for this ride myself, including the route, which has taken up most of my spare time when not training
2) Yes, I will be cycling unsupported for almost the entirity of the ride - no support vehicles - and I will be cycling on my own for about 90% of it.
3) Yes, I probably will have to arrange for my own accommodation on the route, probably mostly in B&Bs/hotels etc
4) Yes, I have been training for this since about March and setting up the logistics since January 2010
5) Yes, I am doing this voluntarily

However, this trip does mean I will be away from the office for a month, so maybe the sanity-o-meter hasn't gone all the way towards madness yet.

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